IPS-TerraViva at Rio+20
Inter Press Service (IPS) has assembled a contingent of around 20 journalists from Asia, Africa and Latin America, Europe and North America to report from the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The team will produce daily features, analysis, op-eds, interviews and photos for TerraViva and material in English, Portuguese and Spanish for IPS’s global news service and Tierramérica. IPS will also publish three daily print TerraViva editions during the 2012 Earth Summit.(June 20-22) for distribution to delegates and other participants, covering themes such as development, sustainability, green economy, climate change, food security and agriculture, gender and governance.
Follow the team’s coverage in real-time on Twitter at @ipsenvironment and @ipsnews and connect with IPS Environment and IPS News on Facebook.
Sponsors and Partners of TerraViva Rio + 20