Archive | June, 2012

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Steiner e Cúpula dos Povos se chocam quanto à economia verde

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Fabiana Frayssinet

RIO DE JANEIRO, 17 junho (TerraViva) – O diretor-executivo do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (Pnuma), Achim Steiner, acredita que ele a Cúpula dos Povos coincidem quanto ao atual modelo econômico ter causado o colapso ambiental. Porém, o diálogo sobre como substituí-lo se transformou em áspero debate. 

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Cooperação dos Brics entre o céu e o inferno

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Fabiana Frayssinet

RIO DE JANEIRO, 17  junho (TerraViva) – Os países do Brics (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul) têm diante de si uma escolha crucial: optar por uma cooperação “do bem”, em busca do desenvolvimento sustentável, ou por uma aliança “do mal”, que siga os passos da ajuda tradicional, que criticavam quando eram seus beneficiários.

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Novo conjunto de metas de desenvolvimento sustentável vai além de 2015

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por  Thalif Deen

RIO DE JANEIRO, 17 junho (TerraViva) Quando os líderes mundiais de mais de cem países concluírem sua cúpula de três dias, a Rio+20, no Brasil, entre 20 e 22 deste mês, eles deixarão para trás os fragmentos despedaçados de uma série de propostas que nunca saíram do papel.

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Destruição de manguezais ameaçam a vida no planeta

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Mario Osava

RIO DE JANEIRO, 18 junho (TerraViva) – A grande expansão mineira e energética da América Latina en América Latina está destruindo manguezais, que são indispensáveis para a vida não só nos mares, alertou Esperanza Salazar na Cúpula dos Povos.

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Uso do solo e da água não precisa ser um jogo de soma zero

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Busani Bafana

RIO DE JANEIRO, 17 junho (TerraViva) – Sistemas integrados de paisagens que promovam mais a cooperação do que a competição podem acabar com conflitos globais sobre água, energia e uso do solo decorrentes da forma como o mundo produz alimentos, diz um novo estudo global.

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O Brasil e a liderança necessária na Rio+20

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Marcelo Furtado *

RIO DE JANEIRO, 18 junho (TerraViva) A ascensão do Brasil e de outras economias emergentes é uma das grandes mudanças desde a Eco 92. Com o poder vem a responsabilidade.

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Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

“It is not that world leaders committed to the wrong objectives at Rio 20 years ago.  Instead, the problem has been the failure of Governments to implement properly their commitments. The success of the World Summit of Legislators, and the breakthrough Rio+20 Legislators’ Protocol, are key missing pieces of the original Rio jigsaw and mean Parliamentarians will now be better engaged to ensure that commitments are delivered. National legislation and more effective scrutiny are a crucial part of an effective approach to meet the pressing global challenges.  We can now create the foundation for genuine sustainable development, and secure the prosperity of future generations, not just our own.  It is critical we do so”.

Lord Deben, Former UK Secretary of State for the Environment and President of GLOBE International, and Senator Cicero Lucena, First Secretary of the Brazilian Senate and President of GLOBE Brazil
Top-line points

- Over 300 senior legislators (including 40 Presidents of Congresses and Speakers of Parliaments, and Chairs of Parliamentary Committees from 85 countries) have agreed the Rio+20 Legislators’ Protocol at the 1st World Summit of Legislators.  This will strengthen delivery of original Rio agenda; progress within UN Conventions on Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification; and Rio+20 commitments.

- The Protocol, supported by the UN, addresses three critical omissions of the original Rio agenda: scrutiny, legislation and natural capital.

- Scrutiny:  establishing a mechanism at the international level to monitor implementation of Rio commitments by governments. 

 - Legislation: providing a platform to advance laws and share good legislative practice to underpin the Rio commitments.

- Natural capital: incorporating natural capital into government accounting.

- Parliaments across the world will now look to ratify the Legislators’ Protocol. 

- The World Legislators Summit will now re-convene every two years in Rio.

Scrutiny, legislation and natural capital:  key omissions since 1992 that are put in place with World Summit of Legislators and the Rio+20 Legislators’ Protocol
Scrutiny:  Establishing a mechanism at the international level to monitor implementation of Rio commitments by government

There has been a lack of credible and independent international scrutiny to monitor delivery since 1992.  Reflecting this, and recognising the role of legislators in monitoring and scrutinising the work of government, the Rio+20 Legislators’ Protocol will now establish a mechanism at the international level to monitor implementation of commitments by governments made at Rio+20 in order to strengthen legislators’ capacity to hold governments to account.

Legislation: Providing a platform to advance laws and share good legislative practice to underpin the Rio commitments

Recognising the role of legislators in developing and passing laws, the Protocol will provide a platform to advance and share best legislative practice as well as to promote a mechanism within international processes that can recognise national legislation.

 Natural Capital: Incorporating valuation of natural capital into government accounting

Recognising the role of parliaments to approve budgets and national accounts, the Protocol will examine how the value of natural capital can be integrated within national economic frameworks to enable legislators to better monitor the use of natural capital.

 Key partners
The World Summit of Legislators has been supported by the United Nations, the Government of Brazil, the Congress & Senate of Brazil, the Mayor of Rio, the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility, the UN Environment Programme, UN Development Programme and the three Convention Secretaries on Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification and the Com+ Alliance of communication networks. They will be working with (Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE) to advance this initiative.
Further Information: The World Summit of Legislators is organised by the Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE –  For further information, please contact Emily Marlow on +55 21 82829135 or +44 7976734028 and

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Economia solidaria na luta contra economia verde

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Mario Osava

RIO DE JANEIRO. 18 Junho (TerraViva) – A Cúpula dos Povos transformou o Aterro do Flamengo numa grande feira de artesanato, enquanto seus ativistas mais articulados amaldiçoam a mercantilização de tudo. A economia solidaria está presente nos discursos e no “camelódromo”, ocupando 12 barracas divididas por duas entidades cada uma. Continue Reading

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Eólica e biomassa são o futuro das energias no Brasil

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Por Fabíola Ortiz

RIO DE JANEIRO, 18 Junho (TerraViva) – O futuro das fontes de energias alternativas no Brasil são eólica e biomassa, afirmam autoridades brasileiras do setor ao enfatizar que a predominância do país continuará com sua matriz hídrica. O Brasil poderá passar a ocupar, em 2013, a 10ª posição entre os maiores produtores de energia eólica do mundo.

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Rio Reveals Big Capital’s Two Faces

Posted on 18 June 2012 by admin

Claudia Ciobanu*

RIO DE JANEIRO, Jun 18 (TerraViva) A trip to Sepetiba Bay in western Rio de Janeiro might give a better sense of the relationship between business and local communities than the official programme of the Rio+20 conference. Continue Reading

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